In the PNG FUBAR SOS section of chapter 12, a number of little bugs are explained, such as a bug of Internet Explorer 6, which cannot handle a transparent PNG. When IE 6 gets ahold of PNGs with a transparency set on them, it doesn’t quite work the way that it should. There is no support for the alpha transparency property in Internet Explorer 6 or lower. It tells us that IE6 instead “translates the transparent pixels to a solid gray, possibly because it enjoys the sounds of our screams.” This causes a grayish box to lay over the PNG, rather than display as a transparency. So, instead of having a PNG image that is a clean-looking transparent image, the image instead just has a bunch of gray pixels over it, really bringing the appearance of the image to a new low…

        There are a number of different websites that provide help for bugs such as this. These sites are in place as references for web designers just like us that may be looking for help in fixing bugs in a given browser or situation. In cases such as this, it is very helpful to have outside help – like that of W3 schools. These reference sites can be an enormous help in figuring out “workarounds” to address specific bugs that a designer may be trying to fix. The book actually says at one point “Bookmark this or die.” It is stressed heavily that the websites listed in this chapter can be lifesavers in working around bugs…

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